College - Pros

The Throwing Club is your place to train and hone your craft. We have the equipment, instructors, and the affiliation with strength training/movement specialists to help you get ready for the up coming season. Come join some of your fellow pros who are already working out with us. We are built for pitchers and position players to refine and workout in a dedicated environment. 


Ages 14+

Ages 14+

Youth Ages 9-13

High School 14+

For the High School and Elite baseball player, arm strength and health are critical to excelling on the field and frankly staying on the field. The level of competition today is more competitive than ever and the need to develop more velocity is paramount to being seen. Let's be honest, the competitive baseball world revolves around the radar gun, so how do you build arm strength and Velo in a safe manner? We have studied all of the programs out there and we are firm believers in the Driveline methodology. It doesn't matter if you are already a physically gifted thrower you need a program that puts the rigor and data into your throwing routine. 

Our program for the 14+ athlete is a focused data driven program that will test you as an athlete and help you achieve your goals. We are looking for the elite dedicated thrower who isn't looking for gimmicks or shortcuts. We don't have time for that and frankly, you won't be successful at the next level with that mindset. Our program will not only show well in high school, but will show well as you look to move to the next level. In the end, YOU are responsible for your growth and dedication. Don't miss out on this great opportunity. You can join the program or you can find yourself competing against our members. 

Youth 9-13 

Kids are starting to focus on pitching at younger ages. By playing a lot of games, they are putting a lot of stress on their under developed bodies. It is likely if your son can throw strikes consistently, they are getting used on a regular basis and probably learning mechanics from a former pitcher only. While this has severed us well in the past, we are learning more and more that the mechanics and workloads taught at young ages are having downstream impacts on health and longevity.  Throwing off of a mound all the time is not the correct way to tweak mechanics and to build Velo.

Our program is designed to take into account the undeveloped nature of younger arms while instilling process and long term arm health into your son's routine. As they get stronger and start adding velocity, our program will help develop their bodies to handle the increased stress.  The sooner you can start on a disciplined routine towards building overall arm health and smart velocity the better you will position your son for long term health and development.  Regardless of which position he plays, our program will provide an educational foundation and will help develop your son's arm for long term success.